Steelhead Fry Release

Did you see Butte Environmental Council’s Eggs in the Classroom made the newspaper? (link to article)

On April 22nd BEC along with 14 of our homeschoolers released our 35 Steelhead back into the Feather River. This is BEC’s second fish release and it was a great success. Approximately 30 kids participated in the spring rearing of the steelhead. The kids and their families learned about the life cycle, climate change, the 4 R’s (reduce, reuse, recycle, and rot), the importance of beavers in our ecosystems, and made puppets for the Endangered Species Faire. While at the fish release the children who attended all got to release a fry that had been living in the BEC office, learn about Micro-invertebrates, Traditional Ecological Knowledge (TEK), and make a trout hat to celebrate. It has been rewarding to educate future generations and their families about our native fish species, furthering BEC’s mission to protect the land, air and water for Butte County.


37th Annual Bidwell Park and Chico Creeks Cleanup


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