Fun & Free Educational Programs Brought Right to Your Classroom

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Youth Programs

Recycling and Rubbish Education

The Recycling and Rubbish Education (RARE) Program teaches Butte County students about the solid waste stream and the importance of the 4R's: Reduce, Reuse, Recycle, and Rot!

The RARE program offers a choice of 4 FREE in-class, educational workshops to Butte County students (K-12), community groups, after-school programs, and/or clubs. Participants may choose a workshop focused on Recycling, Composting, or Auto Oil Recycling (for high school and college auto shop only).

RARE also coordinates a Landfill Field Trip to the Neal Road Recycling and Waste Facility. Students will get a tour from the facility’s staff and learn about everything that goes into managing the waste stream. All workshops include a closing activity, such as a recycling game, worm meet and greet, or construction of a mini classroom worm bin.

Workshops are tailored to students’ grade level, and are designed to be fun and engaging, while upholding Education & Environment Initiative (EEI) standards.


Classroom Aquarium Education Program (CAEP)

The Classroom Aquarium Education Project (CAEP) is offered statewide through California Department of Fish and Wildlife. While the program has several names around the state, the essential learning elements and student experiences are similar. By rearing the fish eggs at the Butte Environmental Council (BEC) office and participating in coordinated activities, homeschool students experience first-hand the value of aquatic environments, the balance that must be met to maintain and preserve California's fisheries and aquatic habitats, and how their personal actions affect these valuable resources.

Butte Environmental Council (BEC) rears Chinook Salmon in the Fall (mid Nov- early Jan) and Steelhead in the spring (late Feb- mid April). You can register your child for FREE to participate which includes three (3) forty-five (45) minute visits. At each visit the children will experience seeing the fish at a different developmental stage (egg, alevin, fry). Your child will then work with BEC’s California Climate Action Corps Fellows on activities to learn about our environment and how to preserve our local fisheries.


**CLICK HERE if you’re a teacher and want your own CAEP tank**


Register for your three (3) FREE visits below.

Please choose a date within each viewing window listed below:

(the steelhead will not be available to view until Monday February 26th)

Visit #1: Egg (2/26-3/8)

Visit #2: Alevin (3/11-3/29)

Visit #3: Fry (4/1-4/18)

How our program works

Trees PLEASE (Planting L:iteracy in Environmental Action and Stewardship Education) teaches students about the life cycle of a tree, the role of urban forestry, and how to maintain healthy forests along the Wildland Urban Interface (WUI). With campus/school district approval, students can also plant a tree on their school campus!

Trees PLEASE is a FREE workshop that includes an in-class presentation and closing activity. With an added bonus of having the ability to plant a tree on campus, if school officials agree to care and maintain the tree.

Workshops are tailored to students’ grade level, and are designed to be fun and engaging, while upholding Education & Environment Initiative (EEI) standards.

This program is currently on hold, stay tuned…